The Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development (CIPD) has calculated that 60% of individuals who attend a training course may revert back to their old habits within 6 weeks. However, regular coaching support can significantly remove this problem.

We can support a workshop learning programme with personalised mentoring for key people, delivered 1-2-1, in regular short sessions. The aims of individualised learning are to:

  • review workshop techniques and methods
  • encourage the adoption of new processes or skills
  • develop and review action plans
  • set realistic objectives for practice of new skills
  • encourage self-determined resolution of real-life issues
  • track measureable outcomes and results
  • overcome motivational and personal development issues

The benefit of this approach is that your people are able to develop their skills over time with regular input and support from the trainer, so that the learning experience is continuous. Regular feedback to senior management is also a benefit.

Coaching sessions are typically conducted for 4-5 delegates per one man-day, on-site at your offices, run in a ‘clinic’ format.
